Structure of the School

Bishops is made up of a senior school (the College), a junior school (the Prep) and a kindergarten school (the Pre-Prep). Once boys leave school, they can join the Old Diocesans Union (an organisation which keeps Old Boys in touch with each other and with the school). These units, together with the parents (both present and past) make up what we call the family of Bishops. Although these are separate units with the school, the governance of the whole school falls under the Council, which is set up by an Act of Parliament, and which is ultimately responsible for everything within the school. There are sub-committees of Council to deal with matters of detail in certain areas. Over the years, Council has set in place a management system which is described here for newcomers to the site.

The Principal is the chief executive officer of the school, responsible to the Council. He has specific duties and responsibilities, which include firstly oversight of the management of each of the units within the school, and then various other areas which stretch across all three schools, such as Communication, Marketing, Development, Fundraising, and liaison with the Old Diocesan Union and with old boys. To assist him, he has a Bishops Executive made up of the Principal and the Headmaster of the Prep.

The College is managed by the Principal, who runs the senior school. He is assisted by an executive committee (The College Executive) which is made up of the Deputy Principal and the Deputy Headmasters of the College, who are line managers for the academic programme, the pastoral concerns of the school, and management of the Discipline, Sport and Cultural programmes.

The Prep also has a Headmaster, who runs both the Prep and the Pre-Prep and is answerable also to the Principal. He too has an executive committee made up of himself and the Deputy Heads of the Prep, and the Teacher in charge of the Pre-Prep.

There is a central administration office which delivers services across all three units, covering aspects of administration such as Finances, Human resources, IT and Operations. These offices are managed by the Business Manager who is ultimately accountable to the Principal.